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2005-10-04 - 11:38 a.m.

The following basically sums up Fredric Jameson on Sartre in Marxism and Form, if the writer were on acid of course and caught some piquant baby sauce vapours.

"Good news! One day when the moon went down, I was like "woman I should become pork-free." I've actually stuck to it and now my boyfriend has joined in on my crusade. I'm sure one day, in a far off court of law, this half-baked idea will be pronounced a career-ending manoever."

"Well, I moved up to Cheyenne, following my boyfriend who is pro rodeo and anti-taking matters into his own hands. Things are rarely going well, I onlly beat the shit out of him once in a while on the lone tennis court in town. That boy doesn't have enough meat on his bones, nor does he mix in well with the tantalizing crowds here."

"I heard you have a baby now. It's strange to think that I know people who are now having children, some have even entered the tender ages of 3 , 4 and 5. One of these days I might fan the flames of my loins. For now, I have a cemetary in the backyard, devoted to my boyfriends nocturnal emissions, little boxes and nearly invisible crosses with words like "Four million died here Sept. 22nd." Two million and two milli's perished miserably albeit quickly on the 23rd. It's sad but practical to not have kids, I'm still waiting for the golden ticket, or the untamed bull, isn't everybody?"

Red-Bull-available at a 7-11 near you! Take the world into your mouth, do it now, guaranteed to buzz children and adults exactly alike. [Sidenote] The practico-inert is a physical object, Red Bull is presently a beverage canned by a machine, machines like credit cards and other American cultural artifacts represent human energy that's become redirected, human beings at all sorts of small and big levels feel themselves to be superfluous, thus man will find himself alienated in packages containing the very same things that once offered him sustenance, like Red Bull.(my understanding of the Princeton university press version)

"We moved into a neat apartment in the dusty section but our landlord is very skinny and clearly evil. We broke the lease and are waiting for a naive rentor to replace us, likely they'll be trapped on sight by the high curbs. The French doors and the wood floors are some other of the things that blinded us some, I reckon."

"You are welcome to get the pack-train hopping, hit the trail and so are your children and whoever else. It's always nice to have guests. Always a good time to figure out how to cook and discover new places to dine in the city and revisit old places to dine in the city too."

"I only am one of two hungry hungry cannon-balls." Our hunger does not exist in the dyad. Our hunger requires a third metastatic ball sweating close by the grill to reinject dynamics.


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