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2006-01-24 - 1:42 p.m.

Down below lies an article from U.S. News and World Report. In the last four years, especially on Fox news, there have been news reports of ISlamic Terrorists working with and living in South America. At the same time, in the last four years, South America has steadily been trying to pursue economic independence from the United States. Looking back at the commentary of analysts before the liberation of the middle east began, several people were saying that, once democracy is established and the people are set free, the United States will turn its attention to setting the people of the Andes free.

The Iraqi liberation project has taken longer than expected and many countries in South America appear to be spinning in the chaos, headed into instability or into totalitarian rule. Many U.S. strategic leaders have referred to the new non-U.S. educated leaders as totalitarians, dictators or choose other disparaging tags.

Today D. Rummy, or at least I think it was D. Rummy telling by the whole grain of his voice, has announced that the U.S. will be stepping up its use of Special Forces. Because the enemy knows no country, increasingly the United States must intervene even in countries that the United States is not officially at war with.

Special Forces undoubtedly will attempt to stop the terrorists throughout South America, in the Middle East, and who knows where else.

We would have liberated South America much earlier in my opinion but forces were diverted in Iraq. After inflammatory remarks by Pat Robertson, it is now likely impossible to build much public support for a South American liberation project. So now we will stymie the instability in Venezuela the way we have usually chosen to do it post Vietnam. The only problem with Venezuela is that they now have about 5 war planes. So we'll probably lose 7 or 8 guys. Anyway, here's the article, it's from 2003 but an interesting example of stuff that was issuing forth during that time.

Increased Terrorism in northern Venezuela (U.S. News & World Report, 10/6/03, pp. 18ff.)

Another South American hub of Arab terrorism has emerged recently in northern Venezuela near the border with Colombia. Thousands of terrorists now occupy an unknown number of camps in that region, and move about with the support and collaboration of the Venezuelan government. President Hugo Chavez plays host to a growing horde of Middle Eastern terrorists from some of the USA�s most notorious enemies, including Libya, Saddam�s Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Pakistan. Thousands of Venezuelan identity cards have been legally issued to these foreigners. Such cards can be used to obtain legal travel documents and passports for unimpeded entry into other South American countries and into the USA.

These terror groups are known to work in conjunction with the Colombian anti-government insurgency group, FARC. They offer FARC terrorists safe haven in mountainous and unpatrolled regions of Northeastern Venezuela. They may provide Hugo Chavez with a covert force that can be used to support FARC against the Colombian government. Venezuelan cooperation with these terrorists may buy President Chavez a guarantee that terror assaults will not be perpetrated in his country.


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