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2006-04-28 - 2:50 p.m.

After the discovery of fatherhood, after women were found to not be impregnated by spirits, even back then the atomic clock probably started to move a little closer to midnight.

Have not these sexual instincts, when the suspects of infidelity arise been turned more violent since we were tribes of grunting monkeys with women at the helm, the only recognized parent? Were these forms of destruction fueled by revenge and jealousy possible to the degree that they now exist in the wakes of our patriarchical societies and patriarchical religions?

Since Fatherhood, the physiological recognition that spirits were not responsible for setting off the spark in the womens bellies, men have extened their egoism by having children and require some sort of proof, usually through negation, no external signs of the wanderings, that they indeed are the fathers of their children. The children exist to help blur the finality of death, having children becomes a way to secure power, maybe to bring power, my child's success is really my success, I cannot see my child outside of myself, I have shaped my children into mine own image and am a little disappointed when they have outside influences, I put the internet filter on, I've set the curfew, I said no to video games, I told my son he cannot see that loser Tommie I suggested he go to the same college I went to and he does his own thing, I'm all out of ideas, help me Dr. Phil, I guess every father really does have a father in this day and age.

It is hard to imagine how a matrialineal society today might have function. Every society that I can think of has been infected by the father figure. How authoriatarian are women? Imagine a society where mothers were the only recognized parents, say the word father held absolutely no meaning, where there was absolutely no recognition that a man could be responsible for the birth of a child. Now imagine that say five generations of this has passed. Would mothers send their children out to fight in wars so that they could attain power?

What about current office talk, when mothers talk about their children, about how well they are doing, how successful they are, they are naturally associationg their own egoism with their childs, it's the same story for women now too ever since the dawn of patriarchical societies, the women have been infected with the competition and the violence, their attitudes now wear the scars of societies centered around father figures.

"Our father who are in heaven..." One way to help stop the massive amount of sexual power that women might have is to turn them into sacred objects, "our lady of the lake," "the statue of liberty," "mother mary," etc. If you teach a lady to be virtuous, mabye the men can keep her restrained, restrained by her conscience, her values, the suffocating moral beliefs, maybe that way they will not need to seek proof of their fatherhood in DNA tests on Maury Povich shows, but those Goddamn 1960's, a German philosopher and and an English philosopher some how got into the mainstream, fueled by Rock Music, folk music and Beatniks.

You would think that all of this would be old news, "I've heard this a million times..." in the South and probably Utah, it would probably be a breath of fresh air which is perhaps only slightly more frightening then the men with clubs who uphold the moral codes, trying to force women back into their sacred states.

The irony is that just as some of the highlight moments in the teachings of the same philosopher religious fanatics profess begin to finally peak through the clouds of translation, they manipulate the teachings to reinforce structures of power.

I guess it is true, My doctors, teachers, family friends, girlfriends, they all were right, it's not what you have, it's how you use it.


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