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2008-09-30 - 10:49 p.m.

The Restoration took place in 1649
in England

and Today I ate Peach Cobbler
and slaked it with hefty doses of wine

If there was a word for this feeling
it would be the very antithesis of competition

The Author is Dead
NOT! (Arbuthnot?...any takers?)

History is a long series of
mostly terrible ideas

Today nothing applied to perception
outside of something extremely proscribed, approaching this nihilistically small pixellated consciousness was a bird
and a mint plant

of course I do not remember the details
(maybe this explains the force and surety of my delcarations?)

Perhaps this is why I made my
Declartion of Love so late in the day

Aiding and Abetting the formation
of relationships since the dawn of
the bronze age, on some beach or rather.


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